Claudio Oliviero

Claudio Oliviero
Claudio Oliviero
Adjunct Professor of diseases, Reproduction and Herd health in pigs
University of Helsinki
"Effect of sow management and farrowing physiology on piglets’ vitality, immunity and growth"

Claudio Oliviero achieved the Degree in Veterinary Medicine (DVM) at the University of Perugia – Italy in 2000, and defended the Ph.D. thesis with title “Successful farrowing in the sow” at the University of Helsinki – Finland in 2010. From 2011 was appointed as Clinical teacher in swine diseases, and from 2017 as Adjunct Professor in diseases, reproduction and herd health in pigs at the University of Helsinki, Finland. His main field of research includes parturition, early lactation, and neonatal piglets’ vitality. Lately, he is conducting research on the interaction between colostrum, intestinal microbiota, and immunity in sows and piglets. He has over 40 publications in international peer-reviewed journals and books’ chapters, over 30 published abstracts in international conferences, and many invitations as a speaker. He is a member of 12 national and international scientific projects of which four as principal investigator.

Effect of sow management and farrowing physiology on piglets’ vitality, immunity and growth

Use of hyper-prolific sow lines has increased litter size considerably in the last three decades. Nowadays, in some countries litters can reach up to 18-20 piglets being a major challenge for the sow’s physiology during pregnancy, parturition, and lactation. The increased number of piglets born per litter, prolong sensibly the duration of farrowing, decreases the piglets’ average weight at birth and their vitality, increases the competition for colostrum intake, and can affect negatively piglets’ survival. Large litters are difficult to manage also during lactation because sows can have averagely 14-16 teats, however, not all teats may be active. Large litters have a direct impact also on piglets at birth. The higher is the number of piglets born in a litter, the lower is the piglet birth weight and the higher is the variation in piglet birth weight within the litter. A greater number of piglets born than the available teats at the sow’s udder, lower birth weight and a greater birthweight variation, all increase the piglets’ competition for colostrum intake. Similarly, lower birth weight and long farrowing duration are associated with lower piglet vitality at birth, which can delay the access to the udder. A reduced colostrum intake in the first 24 h of life has negative effects on piglets survival and growth. Neonate piglets must acquire maternal immunoglobulins from ingested colostrum for passive immune protection before they will adequately produce own immunoglobulins around 3-4 weeks of age. Therefore, it is clear that colostrum yield by the sow, colostrum uptake by the piglets and colostrum quality (immunoglobulins) are of fundamental importance in modern pig production. Restraining sows in crates before parturition may prevent normal movement and expression of natural mothering behavior, such as nest building. This innate behavior is hormonally driven, mainly by progesterone and prolactin, the same hormones responsible for the farrowing process and colostrum production. There is some evidence that crated sows not allowed to perform nest-building behavior, have longer farrowing, give birth to less vital piglets and produce less colostrum. Changes in dietary composition, specific feeding strategies or management of sows are common practices to improve sow colostrum yield. Diet can influence also the intestinal microbiota of the sow, such that promoting specific microbiota is connected with better performances of the sow. These beneficial microbiota, can be also indirectly transferred from the sow to the piglets improving their growth and survival. Appropriate management of late gestation, farrowing and lactation are important keys to improve piglets’ survival and growth.