Shuangxi Fu

Fu Shuangxi
Fu Shuangxi
Vice President
Guangxi Yangxiang Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Co. Ltd.
"Strategies for antibiotic reduction in post-weaning piglets"

Shuangxi Fu obtained a Bachelor of Science in animal science in Hubei Agricultural College in 1997 where he was afterward a teacher during two years. In 2002 he graduated from the South China Agricultural University with a Master of Science in Animal Nutrition. He then worked with Dr. Gary Allee in the University of Missouri-Columbia and obtained a Ph.D. in swine nutrition. From 2006 to 2013, he pursued his career as the feed technical President in CP Group. Since then, he is the Vice-President of Guangxi Yangxiang Group, a Chinese key leading company in the swine industry gathering more than 5,000 employees. Yangxiang company raised 1,5 million pigs per year and has a breeding stock of 100,000 sows and 4,400 boars allocated into 7 facilities across China.

Strategies for antibiotic reduction in post-weaning piglets

Founded in 1998, Yangxiang Group is a national key leading enterprise in the swine industry. With pig production as its major business and Super semen as its honor product, Yangxiang group is a professional service provider for swine production. In 2018, Yangxiang sold 1.38 million hogs and 620,000 piglets, and the PSY reached 28.7.

On 9 Jul 2019, the Chinese Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Affairs issued an Announcement to terminate the feed additive uses of all growth-promoting agents except the traditional Chinese medicines. Feed producers will be prohibited from using growth-promoting antibiotics starting from 31 Dec 2020.

In order to find non-antibiotic solutions, Yangxiang has carried out a lot of trials:

  1. We can still use 1600ppm ZnO in the creep feed.
  2. We use high-quality protein raw material;
  3. Reducing 1-2% of crude protein.
  4. Choosing effective probiotics like boulardii.
  5. Choosing some prebiotics like lactose. 6. We also try to increase the creep feed consumption of piglets before weaning.

According to  4 trials we carried out on our farm with boulardii, we found this yeast could effectively increase the feed intake and ADG of piglets after weaning, and the FCR was lower. When boulardii was used in sows, the farrowing duration was shorter, the mortality of piglets during lactation was lower, and the healthy condition of piglets after weaning was also improved. Because of these positive results, Boulardii has been chosen as one part of our integrated solutions.