
Discover all the speakers and find detailed information about who they are and their presentations.

Claudio Oliviero
Adjunct Professor of diseases, Reproduction and Herd health in pigs
University of Helsinki
"Effect of sow management and farrowing physiology on piglets’ vitality, immunity and growth"
Yannig Le Treut
General Manager
Lallemand Animal Nutrition
"Peri-partum challenges of hyperprolific sows. Management of the intestinal balance with S. c. boulardii CNCM I-1079"
Francesc Illas
Technical Manager
Grup Batallé
"Neonatal diarrhea in piglets: causes and prevention strategies"
David Saornil
Product Manager - Swine Applications
Lallemand Animal Nutrition
"Managing early digestive issues in newborn piglets with S. c. boulardii CNCM I-1079"
Eduardo Jose Bernal Cabal
General Manager
Spin Colombia SAS
"Effect of supplementation with specific live yeast in sows on Immunoglobulin G colostrum content"
Vassilia Theodorou
Director of Research, Neuro-Gastroenterology and Nutrition Unit
INRA Toxalim
"Gut-brain axis and gut barrier function"
Jeff Carroll
Research Leader
USDA-Agricultural Research Service
"Effects of S.c. boulardii CNCMI-1079 on piglets’ response to an inflammation challenge"
Imourana Alassane-Kpembi
INRA Toxalim
"Addressing mycotoxins in swine through immunomodulation and intestinal barrier reinforcement"
Fu Shuangxi
Vice President
Guangxi Yangxiang Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Co. Ltd.
"Strategies for antibiotic reduction in post-weaning piglets"
Mathieu Castex
R&D Director
Lallemand Animal Nutrition
"Present and future of Lallemand Animal Nutrition R&D in swine"